Top 10 Best Accounting Books of 2025

Playing with numbers is fun, but it is hard to keep large numbers in your head. However, many people struggle with daily activities due to lack of proper books to record and organize their accounting information.
Account books are the best ways to ensure that your work runs smoothly. It doesn’t matter whether it’s personal or organization, a reliable and easy to use book is paramount. Many individuals however, don’t consider in investing in accounting books.

Having an accounting book is an excellent step in enhancing efficiency and accuracy. There is no need of complicating your finances. To be a great investor or efficient personal finances utilization, accounting books are the first choice. In fact, many of the successful people start with arranging their information to help tracking and easy analysis. Therefore, to get to the top, organizing your data is vital.

The fantastic thing about these books for accounting is that they are available for beginners, intermediate and advanced users. Thus, there is no reason why you should complicate your accounting life. Despite being ideal for various levels, the books are easy to customize your work. Apart, from being used for finances, the books are useful for students studying accounting courses. Amazingly, they make accounting simple for everyone. To get the ideal book for your work, you need to check the ease of use, cover durability, size, and paper color among others. Here are the top 10 best account books in 2021 reviews. They are outstanding choices for everyone who wants to see their accounting skills go a step higher.

List of Best Accounting Books

10. Schaum’s Outline Principles of Accounting I

Schaum’s Outline Principles of Accounting I

Principles of Accounting I is a fifth edition version written by authors Joel J. Lerner and James A. Cashin. This accounting book helps you understand the basics of accounting and offers practice on topics like inventory measurements, credits, debits, methods for computing interest and recovery of bad debts. Schaum’s Outline Principles of Accounting I has 520 fully solved problems plus five complete sample exams. The book also has concise explanations of all course concepts.

9. Barron’s Accounting Handbook

Barron’s Accounting Handbook

Different authors have written this accounting book. It is a 1072-page hardcover book that gives you an overview of financial accounting. It describes financial statements, presents details on financial reporting requirements and US GAAP. The rest of the book also covers cost management and taxation forms.

There is an extensive A to Z dictionary that presents short-entry definitions of accounting terms. The book is among the best accounting books to add in your library if you are an accountant, business manager, bookkeeper and accounting manager. It also ranks among top accounting books for students who need help with their accounting course.

8. Accounting: Get Hired Without Work Experience

Accounting: Get Hired Without Work Experience

Award-winning author Mayooran Senthilmani will teach you how to get hired without work experience. His book will help you enhance your employability skills, show you how to be more powerful and how to explore the current opportunity. There is a lot of How to’s in this accounting book, and you will find it quite enriching and informative. You will learn basic accounting, how to prepare a budget, how to identify key performance indicators and how to use LinkedIn to get a job.

Aside from these, the book also shows you how to write a winning CV and how to face interviews confidently. There are top 30 interview questions in this book with ways of how to answer them. If you have a weakness for procrastination or are poor with time management, Senthimani will give you some useful tips to stay productive. This is undoubtedly the best book you must add to your library.

7. Accounting All-in-One for Dummies

Accounting All-in-One for Dummies

This is indeed among the best accounting book for beginners. It is packed with useful information to help any beginner learn various accounting concepts without scratching the hard too hard. It is equally among the most read accounting books for students studying accounting. Small businesses will also find this book quite informative because it will keep them up to speed on setting up an accounting system, adjusting and closing entries, recording accounting transactions, planning and budgeting for the business as well as making purchase decisions. There’s truly a lot to take home from this accounting book.

6. Accounting Principles Twelfth Edition

Accounting Principles Twelfth Edition

Accounting Principles gives students a perfect introduction to fundamental accounting concepts. It is the best basic accounting book that helps students grasp a lot of accounting knowledge. It allows for self-guided practice and lets students check their skills and problem-solving techniques. This twelfth edition is excellent for a 2-semester Principles of Accounting sequence where the students learn financial accounting concepts and are equally introduced to managerial accounting.

5. Accounting by Peter J.Eisen

Accounting by Peter J.Eisen

Packed with information a beginner is looking for, this accounting book by Peter J. Eisen is a useful and excellent supplement to college textbooks. Eisen helps students familiarize with key accounting terms. He conversely explains to them the accounting equation, how to prepare financial statements and how to record business transactions in journals. Peter J. Eisen’s 464-page paperback is the best basic accounting book for any student.

It also has helpful features like review questions, computational problems with detailed solutions and an extensive glossary of accounting terms. It is organized just like the standard college textbook but concentrates mostly on the how and why. This new edition incorporates new features like instruction in the use of spreadsheets to solve accounting problems and a more detailed explanation of accounting data procedures.

4. Greg Shields Accounting: The Ultimate Guide to Accounting for Beginners

Greg Shields Accounting: The Ultimate Guide to Accounting for Beginners

This book is truly the best basic accounting book available today. It is a must-have accounting book for anyone who wants to learn the basic accounting principles without scratching their head with confusion. The book is truly an excellent way to start learning accounting. You do not have to be an accounting expert to use this book. We all take accounts in our lives, and you do not need an accountant to help you.

This book will truly give you the foundation you need to carry out accounts. The author Greg Shields has undoubtedly done a fantastic job in giving us crisp and clear accounting tips to help us in our everyday lives. Besides, if you know anyone who is starting a small business, you might want to consider this ultimate guide to accounting for beginners as a special gift to help them.

3. Accounting for Small Business Owners

Accounting for Small Business Owners

If you have a small business but do not have this paperback, then you are losing out on a lot of useful information. This book is among the best and most preferred accounting books for small business because it has all the financial accounting any small business will ever need.

The book shows small business owners how to set up and run their business, how to manage and sell products or services and how to perform month-end balancing of accounts. It is packed with the meaning of basic accounting terms, has sample accounting statements and a wealth of tips to help small business owners simplify the accounting process. This accounting book is truly the best package deal for any small business.

2. Restaurant Accounting with QuickBooks

Restaurant Accounting with QuickBooks

Doug Sleeter and Stacey Byrne truly found a way to help the clueless restaurant owner. Many of them do not know that QuickBooks financial software is the most effective back-office accounting system that guarantees success and growth in business. They can be used for time tracking, cash management, payroll, purchasing, and bill paying. If you choose this method for your accounting, you need to learn how to properly setup and use QuickBooks to meet your unique needs. This book will show you how to do this smoothly.

1. Accounting: An Essential Guide to Learning Accounting Quickly

Accounting: An Essential Guide to Learning Accounting Quickly

This is yet another accounting book by Greg Shields that will help you learn accounting quickly with ease. It is an excellent tool for anyone who has ever kept a ledger or balanced a checkbook. The book expands on these simple tasks and shows you how they are related to accounting. The book will expand your knowledge on the same and leave you doing things like a pro.

It explains accounting in a practically easy way to help you see the connection to your life and business. Topics discussed in this book include the accounting equation, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, Financial Statements, Special journals, Income statement, owner’s equity just to mention a few. You will find this book quite productive and very easy to use.